Boeing Case Study

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Executive Summary

This report is signed to mainly touch on the public relations and management issues that are affecting a company. This report will majorly look into the Boeing company one of the largest defense contractor and aerospace parts manufacturing company worldwide as they have the following from the society and they are market leaders in their industry. They are known for their high standards in all sectors and even in the numerous scandals they have found themselves in many years, they have always managed to stay afloat. Even though manufacturing section is majorly done and completed in the United States, the company has numerous offices all over the world to cater for the customers who are not from the United States of America. Due to the huge network of people required for the success of their company and the distribution of their product, the company faces several management and public relations.

This paper is divided into three major section sand each addresses a different topic. The first section of the report will look into three major management concerns that highly affect Boeing: sustainability, diversity, management, and employee turnover rate. It will investigate the reason for the concerns and try to find solutions for the company to reduce chances of the issues cropping up in the future again.

The last part of the report will look thoroughly into the problems and come up with a guide as to what can be done in a bid to reduce the occurrence of the issues in the future by the company. A good example of such is the development of a compensation plan for the employees in order to boost their productiveness and effectiveness at work thus reducing the employee turnover rates. This will also require the input of the employees to understand the activities that will be best for their motivation between promotions, cash prizes or points that one can redeem for different thigs within the organization. Tackling the issue of diversity is usually tough for most companies, but the company should diversify the employees by ensuring that they have hired talent from all around the world to work at different sections of the company. One of the best way to ensure they do this is by offering scholarships to marginalized societies and absorbing them within the organization. Additionally, the entire company should uphold al rules set out on human rights for equal opportunities. This will be translated into upheld procedures and policies by the management that make sure that grievances are handled, employee relations as well as equal opportunities are offered to all employees to ensure transparency is upheld in the workplace. In terms of sustainability, Boeing must ensure that they have instilled the concept in all parts of the business to make sure they are accepted and successful world over. First, the company should be able to come up with green sections in their operation to ensure their products are eco-friendly thus minimizing their contribution to the global warming that is currently having a negative effect on the environment. This program will be effected in all parts of the business thus the employees need an education of the changes thus a program should be created to address it. This will be translated into the need for new products that specifically features this case by Boeing. Their products must be energy efficiency thus a design assessment must be conducted.


At Boeing, efficiency is one of the most important parts that the corporation is putting up as a corporate goal. This will be achievable if the workforce is efficient and diversified as the employee turnover rate will reduce considerably and there will be a favorable corporate culture in place. This efficiency ca only be successful if the organization makes a decision to makes their business open, improve their communication channels with both the employees and management as well as ensure that they have a balanced work life.

Public relations is an important of an organization as it ensures that the communication channels between an organization and within an organization are effective. One of the most important relations for the organization to consider is with the government. In order for Boeing to succeed in business, they have to put into place a plan for communication and management that will be strictly followed for top-notch results. This will make sure that the company has developed lasting and effective relationships with the outside world as well as improve their reputation. This can be successful if the changes in their external environment are closely monitored and the company moves with it. Communication must also be effective for the employees as they must understand its importance in maintaining the company’s reputation and ensures it is capable of reaching its goals. The workforce structure needs a reshuffle to make sure required information is exchanged effectively and the correct communication channels are decided upon such as memoranda, presentations, websites, meetings and presentations.  All key groups within the organization are involved in the planning phase. Issues concerning management need to be addressed for the company to move forward as initiatives and strategies to overcome them must be developed.

Management issues at Boeing

Employee turnover rates

Boeing has had several problems with the high rate of employee turnover in the recent part due to the high pressures of the job. This means that management has a huge problem maintaining the current employees as most of them find ways to leave the company thus retaining them is important and of huge importance to management. This needs to be addressed as fast as possible in order to improve how they feel about the organization. First, the company must take an approach to improve the work environment of the employees to ensure they are conducive, coming up with programs to develop the employees’ skills and ensure that there is motivation for the employees to improve their effectiveness and make them ready for work. The company must also come up with procedures and policies that are adequate enough to improve communication channels between employees and the management as ell as ensure that the employee behavior of the employee is according to the values put up by the organization.


Climate change is one of the hot topics in the world today and each organization is tasked with making themselves a part of the risk management crew to address the issues. Most of the production done by Boeing creates hazardous material thus must be controlled, the products developed must be eco-friendly and the environment they are created in should be devoid of pollution to reduce their impact on global warming. Boeing must come up with a risk management policy as well as ensure that it addresses climate change. Their products must be scrutinized since they can lead to massive losses in case of any mistakes thus must pass through several regulatory bodies before being passed for use in the market. There have been numerous legal issues that have prevented the company from development such as the current pending law suits the company is facing in case of a failure by any of their systems thus skyrocketing their legal expenses. The company has worked to ensure that r=their policy on product development contains contingency plan in case of failure of systems.

Since major production for Boeing is done in the United States, the company strived to come up with a manner through which the climate change effects are addressed. Due to the product having high dependency on climate, the company has had to change the model and product development policy to go along on the lines of the necessary changes. One of the important parts of sustainability is the need for the reduction in GHG emissions. This means that the company has to come up with products that reduce greenhouse emissions making them more environmental friendly. One of the ways the company can improve this is through the development of engines that can run on more eco-friendly fuels. This will reduce the dependence on carbon based products considerably making sure the products developed are eco-friendly. This will in turn lead to the products that have minimal negative environmental impact. Finally, the company must come up with a regular assessment program of their products and their contribution to the degradation of the climate. This will help ensure that their products are energy efficient and eco-friendly.


Every workplace functions best with a tinge of diversity as it help to improve creativity and brings together people from different walks of life to give their view on a subject. Boeing has had numerous issues with diversity since it is based in the United States and its secondary locations are still limited in terms of diversity. The company has to come up with procedures and policies that will ensure that equality at work is promoted. One of the best way to ensure they do this is by offering scholarships to marginalized societies and absorbing them within the organization. Additionally, the entire company should uphold all rules set out on human rights for equal opportunities. This will be translated into upheld procedures and policies by the management that make sure that grievances are handled, employee relations as well as equal opportunities are offered to all employees to ensure transparency is upheld in the workplace.

Solution to problem 1: BOEING’s motivation of employees through career development programs

Each department within the organization must work together to ensure that the workforce is competent and more global as they should all receive equal opportunities in terms of leadership programs, education, and development plans. The company also has motivational programs for the company employees. This could be through the development of compensation plans for the employees such as bonuses for reaching targets set out prior. The company could also offer career development programs such as offering scholarships for employees to improve their education levels or language courses to improve their communication skills in foreign languages in case they are moved. On the other hand, team building exercises should be practiced often to motivate the employees. In addition to this, the employee communication channels will be open to ensure that tasks are completed effectively and a good work environment and organizational culture is created that encourages employees.

Solution to Problem 2: Sustainability projects at Boeing

As sustainability is one of the topics that Boeing has to address as they have an effect on most of the products that allow travel through our skies, strategies must be developed to ensure that it is achievable. First, Boeing must ensure they have created better value of their products through eco-innovation. This refers to the production of engines and other products that run carbonless or have reduced greenhouse gas emission. This will create a better energy saving platform for the organization and improve its reputation. In addition to this, the design should be eco-friendly and pass all certifications to show that it is eco-friendly in accordance with the set out environmental regulations The management systems should be built such that the employees as well as the customers are aware of the efforts the company is undergoing to achieve its goal.

Solution to Problem 3: Ensuring equality is promoted at Boeing

Boeing has been on the spot in the recent past due to their lack of diversity. This has been a crucial management issue. The board of the company has less females in comparison to males. The workforce is also majorly composed of males and less than 40% are females. The company has to come up with policies and procedures on equal opportunity and non-discrimination. This should translate into the employment terms applied, the education level of the employees, their age, the promotion positions, wages and retirement. More motivation and opportunities should also be created for female employees. One of the best way to ensure they do this is by offering scholarships to marginalized societies and groups in the society and absorbing them within the organization.  Additionally, Boeing should follow all regulations set up by any of the countries they operate in. One of the most important rules they should consider is the sale of their defense and armor products to the right people thus they should ensure they are only sold legitimately.

Environmental Impact of Boeing in the recent decade

In 2006, there was a study conducted by the UCLA Center for Environmental Risk Reduction and it was discovered that the company’s main plant is the major cause of pollution in the environment especially in terms of toxic waste. The company is also known to be the highest contributor of greenhouse gas emission in the United States at 11%. As the amount of people resorting to air travel continues to grow, this percentage is likely to grow. In a bid to reduce this amount, Boeing has been in partnership with fuel makers such as Tecbio, Aquaflow Bionomic who deal in biofuels. Currently, the company is testing out the use of a sustainable fuel to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. In addition to this, the company has resorted to the development of technology that brings about a hybrid electric engine for their subsonic design.


How can Boeing handle management and public relations issues appropriately in the future

One of the most covered scandals surrounding Boeing was on the Boeing 787 Dreamliner in 2013. This was a period during which Boeing’s public relations skills were put to the test. The company mad a decision to do live reporting to keep the world in the loop on what was going on and this was a wise decision as it helped people have more trust in them. However, the company still has several management and public relations issues that have to be addressed. The major grounding of the Dreamliner was as a result of an overheated battery which was a huge malfunction for the company. Even though several issues came up after the grounding of this plane, the reputation of the company as well as the relationships they had built over the years saved them. The transportation Safety Secretary in the United States stated that they were safe as these were isolated cases.

One of the best ways that the company should address their public relations issues is to keep getting feedback from their consumers. This will ensure that they can keep track of any issues that may arise and improve he trust that the customers have in their products. In case of any issues, they should either offer to replace the item or refund the products worth to build a good reputation with the consumer. On the other hand, they should accept responsibility for the mishap if indeed they were responsible to improve the relationship. This will make sure there are return customers at all times as well as the new customers will have better trust as there are more positive reviews and the reviews regarding their products are positive.

In case of a crisis such as the case of Boeing 787 Dreamliner in 2013, the company must always have fast response to the crisis so that he concern can be seen by the consumers and reduce chances of any issues arising in the future. The response will also reduce negativity from critics especially online who will bash the products and reduce the trust clients may have in the products. Compensation f clients for any incurred losses in a timely fashion builds back their trust and increases Boeing’s market share in comparison to competitors like Airbus.

Additionally, Boeing should set up a program that deals with crisis management to deal with issues that may arise surrounding their products. The program will help reduce the negative impact of a situation on the company’s reputation. It will also ensure that the brand of the company is intact. Another challenge that must be addressed is effective communication. The company must ensure to keep all their consumers in record so in case of any issue they can be reached as fast as possible and the issue addressed in time. Finally, the company must improve brand awareness by improving their communication to their clients to improve sales. In terms of accounting, the company should come up with a control mechanism to be sued in payment and internal use of fuds so the financial reports can tally.


Boeing is currently the largest aerospace manufacturing company in the world and must thus ensure efficiency in all its activities through the development of corporate values. They are known for their high standards in all sectors and even in the numerous scandals they have found themselves in many years, they have always managed to stay afloat. Even though manufacturing section is majorly done and completed in the United States, the company has numerous offices all over the world to cater for the customers who are not from the United States of America. Due to the huge network of people required for the success of their company and the distribution of their product, the company faces several management, accounting, and public relations issues such as sustainability, diversity, management, and employee turnover rate. In a bid to reduce the occurrence of the issues in the future by the company, several strategies should be implemented.

A good example of such is the development of a compensation plan for the employees in order to boost their productiveness and effectiveness at work thus reducing the employee turnover rates. This will also require the input of the employees to understand the activities that will be best for their motivation between promotions, cash prizes or points that one can redeem for different thigs within the organization. Tackling the issue of diversity is usually tough for most companies, but the company should diversify the employees by ensuring that they have hired talent from all around the world to work at different sections of the company. One of the best way to ensure they do this is by offering scholarships to marginalized societies and absorbing them within the organization. Additionally, the entire company should uphold al rules set out on human rights for equal opportunities. This will be translated into upheld procedures and policies by the management that make sure that grievances are handled, employee relations as well as equal opportunities are offered to all employees to ensure transparency is upheld in the workplace. In terms of sustainability, Boeing must ensure that they have instilled the concept in all parts of the business to make sure they are accepted and successful world over. First, the company should be able to come up with green sections in their operation to ensure their products are eco-friendly thus minimizing their contribution to the global warming that is currently having a negative effect on the environment. This program will be effected in all parts of the business thus the employees need an education of the changes thus a program should be created to address it. This will be translated into the need for new products that specifically features this case by Boeing. Their products must be energy efficiency thus a design assessment must be conducted.

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GradShark (2023). Boeing Case Study. GradShark.

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