Facilitate Change In Health And Social Care Or Children And Young People’s Settings

Health And Social Care
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Analyse factors that drive change

  Just like any other organization setting, Children and young people’s setting do not operate in isolation.   They are subjected to influence from both internal and external forces hence necessitating some changes within the organization. Internal Forces refer to those factors that originate within the organization to force or drive change in the way thing have been done in the organization (Whelan-Berry and Somerville, 2010). Some of internal forces that might drive change in children and young people setting are;

  • Leadership change- children and young people’s settings are given direction by their leadership. However, no single leader can manage an organization forever. At one point in time, Leaders or managers in the children and young people’s setting are replaced by new leaders/managers which is necessitated by of thing such as retirement, promotion, transfer, dismissal etc.  No two leaders are the same, each leader or manager bring his/her own ideas and way of working in the organization and this result to change in the way things are done within the organization. 
  • Deficiency in the existing structure, systems and process-another internal factor that drive change in children and young people’s setting is deficiency in existing structure, process and system. The structure, system and process in place in children and young people’s setting must be effective in meeting children and young people care needs as stipulated by professional standards as well as by legislation. Where such system, process and structure fall short of meeting children and young people ‘s need, changes are needed to make-up for the deficiency. 

As mentioned earlier, organizational change can also be driven by external forces, external forces, refer to those change driver that original from the external environment of an organization (Whelan-Berry and Somerville, 2010). Some of the external factors that drive change in children and young people setting are

  • Resource constraints- when faced with resource constrain, Children and young people’s setting are   forced to initiate some change to ensure the organization continue to service and continue to provide services that meet all the set standards. For instance, when faced with resource constrain, care organization may be forced to implement change such as restructuring or automate some process and system etc. in an effort to become more efficient hence operating successfully even when resource is constraint. 
  • Increased demand for services- another external factor that drive change in children and young people’s care setting is the demand for services.  An increase in demand for services forces the children and young’s people setting to implement some change so as to be able to meet the demand of service without breaking any of the set regulation requirement. 
  • Increase or change in compliance requirement- children and young people’s setting at all-time must be in compliance with all necessary regulation and inspection requirement such as those put in place by care quality commission (CQC). As such any change or increase in regulations requires a children and young people’s setting to initiate some change within the organization to ensure full compliance with the regulation requirement.

Describe underpinning theories of change management.

 Managing change is never an easy exercise. in fact, many efforts to initiate change within organization usually fail due to the complexity and challenges associated with change management. Fortunately, there are a couple of theories of change management which provide principle and guideline of change management which when followed increase the chance of managing change process successfully. These theories are ADKAR Model of change, Kotter’s 8 step of change management, Lewin change management model.

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GradShark (2023). Facilitate change in health and social care or children and young people’s settings. GradShark. https://gradshark.com/example/facilitate-change-in-health-and-social-care-or-children-and-young-peoples-settings

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