Ge Hitachi Opening The First Nuclear Power Plant In Saudi Arabia

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The prospected opening of the First nuclear plant by GE Hitachi in Saudi Arabia comes in the wake of a presumption of a potential threat to the vast oil and gas reserves in the country by the government. Currently Saudi Arabia depends solely on oil and gas for its energy needs, hence, the requirement of an alternative source of energy. Signed in and footed in 2013, the project will see GEH, as the company is commonly abbreviated, gain a slot and participate in the construction of the 16 nuclear power reactors aimed to be built in Saudi Arabia in the next 20 years.

SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis will not only prove a pivotal tool in analysis of the external but also the internal environment with respect to the country in question. Obviously, the strength of GEH is its proven records in such engineering construction, as well as its recent partnership with Exelon, another reputable company, for the project. As the laws of business states, the strengths of a competitor are the weaknesses of another company and in this case, Westinghouse, GEH’s major competitor, may reveal a string of weaknesses for GEH. Needless to say, opportunities are plenty in the Country owing to the fact that the project is humongous with a whopping 16 nuclear reactors to be constructed. At the same time, threats are in plenty, the country is one of the most unpredictable and unstable ones, clearly, threat to peace is a threat to any project prevailing and GEH can only hope for calm throughout their work period.

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GradShark (2023). GE Hitachi Opening the First Nuclear Power Plant in Saudi Arabia. GradShark.

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