Leadership And Communication

Leadership Studies
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Before delving into other parts of this paper, it is critical to retrogress on the previously discussed policy issue. In this respect, the critical issue is negative attitude towards teachers and the general teaching profession. It is pivotal to remember that this issue not only affects teachers but also the education, with major ripple effects deterring provision of quality learning and learner outcomes. Remedial policies are, therefore, necessary since, on the overall, they will help to improve the quality of education through improving the teacher-learner relationship. Proper policy development, however, depends on good leadership which is a direct function of open communication. In particular, upward communication is crucial for every stage of the policy and clarity among all the stakeholders involved in the particular policy development. Definitively, upward communication connotes communication transactions among various groups or individuals aimed at designing or redesigning education to implement the policy directions. To this end, unlike the previous discussion, the following discussion shifts focus to leader behavior in line with Joiner and Josephs (2007) leadership agility. Similarly, the discussion agrees that the first few minutes (‘thin slices’) of communication are pertinent to the course of conversation as well as the eventual benefits of the communication.

Leader profile and leader development

Leader profile basically outlines the particular skills a leader has with respect to the project in question. On this note, I consider myself a confident communicator who is not only co-operative but also a great team player. Apart from the broader skills, my leadership profile is built on a combination of project passion, spiritual gifts and natural talents, personal style, role preference, organizational style as well as life journey (leader development). All these are discussed in this section to give an overall overview of my leadership situation. As a leader, I have a deep-sitting passion for achievement through working with the right people to successfully accomplish a particular task. This involves equipping and connecting groups of individuals. The former involves giving the groups all the requisite instruments for task performance while the latter entails assimilating external players into the groups if they are of any help to the overall task performance. It is important to note that these two elements, equipping and connecting task-performance groups or teams, are often challenging and require judicious consideration of any leadership step taken towards the same. My top three spiritual gifts include leadership, administration, and wisdom in that order while the natural talents include systematic thinking, attention to details, narration (oratory skills), and humor. In terms of role-preference, I am designer-developer. Put simply, I like influencing projects and stakeholders by putting a theoretical idea into practice with an aim of testing its feasibility and plausibility. According to Tittemore (2003) such a leader depends on building prototypes before the actual program as a means of increasing the success rate of the project. My organizational style primarily values cause or purpose of the project and it relationship with the organization or sector, in this case, the education sector. Focusing on the cause assists in definition of the objectives as well as laying an effective roadmap for their implementation. 

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GradShark (2023). Leadership and Communication. GradShark. https://gradshark.com/example/leadership-and-communication

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