Media Bias Towards Progressive Liberal Values And Conservative Values

Media Studies
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Question 1. Media bias towards progressive liberal values and conservative values.

Media bias is viewed as bias of news reporters within the media. There is always a choice of activities to be reported within the media. Media always tend to pick what they think is right because they are not able to cover up everything. Media cannot be neutral when the journalists are not able to report everything that is of fact. What they consider to be most worthy is what they elevate in the national news. Media bias can too be seen when media consistently stress on a specific point of view in a way that contradicts the required standards of journalism.

Liberal bias has been said by media critics that it is present within a wide range of media. There is much liberal bias existing inside mainstream media. Network news shows of CNN, ABC, radio stations and major newspapers among others experience liberal bias. A survey was done by the bodies that create claim of liberal bias. The study showed that greater part of journalists were democrats. Their attitudes supported public opinion on issues of abortion and gay rights among others. Coverage made by the journalist is always selected based on their attitudes. Presences of many liberals in the newsrooms determine selection and coverage of liberal news. Another study found out that mainstream press tends to select and cover news in favor of liberal perspective. Reporters who are expected to express reasonable conservative opinions are instead holding minority views.

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GradShark (2023). Media bias towards progressive liberal values and conservative values. GradShark.

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