Personal And Professional Leadership Development Plan

Leadership Studies
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The aim of this plan is to conduct a self-reflection analysis on personal leadership styles and applying the skills and concepts learned from the course to enhance my leadership skills. The plan also outlines how professional experiences and skills are applicable to my life as a manager as well as daily life. Some of the concepts incorporated in the plan include embracing diversity at the workplace, satisfaction and attitudes at the workplace, how to deal with moods and emotions, perceptions, individual decision-making, motivation concepts, as well as applications.

Individual Strengths and Weaknesses

The analysis in this section is based on material that was presented in class, feedback from classmates and team members, as well as self-reflection. As such, a comprehensive self-examination is presented. Notably, I have learned that I lack assertiveness when interaction with or managing a group of people at the work place. Sometimes I lack the confidence and forceful behavior that I should possess as a leader. This makes me an inefficient leader with the potential of achieving more leadership success if I work on such weaknesses.

I am also slow and lack self-motivation to carry out tasks within the scheduled timeframe. Sometimes I feel that the world I moving at a pace I cannot match, and I wish it would slow down so that I can catch up with it. However, this is due to the fact that I lack adequate self-motivation, making me slow. In most cases, I spend too much time trying to obtain perfect results. In the process, I end up failing to complete the tasks assigned to me within the given timeframe. This has sometimes put me in a collision course with the top management.

I also try to please everyone around me. When involved in a negotiation, I always end up losing because I try to please the other party. I lack assertiveness during negotiations. As such, I would like to apply the concepts learned during this course to develop assertiveness as well as negotiation skills.

Additionally, I have lack skills to embrace cultural diversity. In my workplace, the main ways of communication are the phone and email correspondence. However, sometimes I cannot communicate with the potential partners because of cultural differences. I also find it difficult to identify and respect their interests. As such, I need to improve my communication skills, stop being shy, stop being afraid to annoy people who don't reply to my correspondence, and learn to engage people in negotiations.

How to be more assertive when managing group of people

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GradShark (2023). Personal and Professional Leadership Development Plan. GradShark.

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