Red light cameras are traffic cameras installed at the intersection to monitor vehicles that violate the traffic regulations, that is, vehicles which enter the intersection during the red-light traffic signal. The cameras work automatically by taking photographs of vehicles entering the intersection during the stop bar traffic signal. Photos by these cameras are used as evidence of traffic violation and are only taken when the traffic lights turn red. Trained police officers analyze the images and can form a case against the violating drivers. However, the usage of these cameras has led to a heated debate as to whether they should be used in place of intersection police officers. The present discussion will, thus, critically analyze the pros and cons of using the red-light traffic cameras at intersections.
Red light cameras were first developed in 1965 in the Netherlands and have since been used in many countries including Israel and Australia, Europe among other nations around the world (Baratian-Ghorghi, 2016, pg. 56). The cameras operate by being installed to posts at intersections. The poles are placed at intersections because these locations experience high cases of motor vehicle crashes. The cameras are automatically set to take pictures of vehicles in the intersection during the red-light signal, and these photographs serve as evidence for booking the drivers.
Improved Safety
The main reason behind the use of red-light cameras was to reduce the number of accidents which occur at intersections. Violating drivers are booked for tickets. The fines have made drivers to adhere to the red-light regulations, hence reducing the number of motor vehicle crashes. According to research (Red Light Camera Enforcement, 2016), the red-light cameras have tremendously reduced the number of intersection violations by 40%. The cameras are accurate, that is, the capture the front pictures of vehicles entering the intersection during the red light and the rear while the vehicle is in the intersection. Once the drivers caught violating these rules are fined, it becomes hard for them to repeat similar mistakes. This has thus reduced the number of violations on the roads hence improving road safety.