The Princess Bride

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The Princess Bride is the tittle of a scintillating modern fairy tale, about a beautiful princess and a brave hero who rescues her from an evil villain. Moreover, the film is based on the book THE PRINCESS BRIDE by William Goldman. Also, the film is produced from the 20th century fox studios. Equally important, the film is directed by a renowned director Robert Reiner who has done exemplary work in the film industry. In addition the main stars of the film include: Carly Elwes (westley), Robbin Wright (Buttercup), Peter Falk (the Grandfather), Fred Savage (the Grandson) Mandy Patinkin (Inigo Montaya), Andre the giant(Fezzik) and Chris Sarandon(Prince Humperdinck) . In the same way, the film is a witty, charismatic fairly tale for the whole family.

         A grandfather goes to visit his sick grandson who is bedridden he sits down and starts reading him a story, a story which he said has been passed on for generations in the family. The story is based on the book The Princess Bride. Moreover as the grandfather reads the story the actions come alive. In addition, the grandson prefers stories with more action and he is sure he would not love his grandfather’s story of romance and with “lots of kissing”.  Also the story is a classic tale of love and adventure. Equally important, the story is about buttercup a former farm girl who has been chosen to be the bride of Prince Humperdinck of Florian she does not love him.

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GradShark (2023). The Princess Bride. GradShark.

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