Unimelb’s Marketing and Competitive Environment Analysis
This report analyses the marketing and competitive environment of University of
Melbourne. The report is divided in 8 different sections. The first section provides a brief
background of the university. The second section provided a brief market summary of the
university. The third section, assess the demand for service offered by the university. The fourth
section discusses the segmentation and target market. The five section discuses the current
marketing mix as used by the organization. Later, PEST and SWOT analysis are conducted in section 7
and 8 respectively.
University of Melbourne is a public university based in Australia. The university was
established in 1853 and over the time it has grown to become one of the leading global Universities.
Currently, the University enjoy very positive and strong reputation due to it immerses contribution
to research, learning and teaching. It offers wide ranges of course s including business related, Law,
health science, engineering, and education among others (Unimelb, 2017) .
Market Summary
The education sector in Australia has been on growth path for several decades.
Interestingly, due to the reputation of the universities in the regions, the sector continues to attract
more international students. Currently, a significant number of the students studying on Australia
universities are foreign and this has seen the sector grow to become the third largest exported
generating $20 billion annually (Australian association press, 2016) . As of 2016, they were more
than 320,000 foreign students from 130 countries studying in Australia universities and colleges. The
numbers of foreign students is said to have grown by 11 percent in the last decade and the growth is
expected to continue (Australian association press, 2016) . Most of these students originate from
china, India, Korea, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, Indonesia, USA, and Brazil among others (.
The sector does also attract significant number of local students. In fact, Majority of the
students in the sectors are locals. Currently, it is estimated the number of local student in the sector
to be more than 900000 (AEN, 2017) .