A Review Of Relentless Documentary

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Relentless is a Documentary that was produced in 2003. It is based on the struggle for peace and harmony in the Middle East. The documentary was produced by a media known as pro- Israel media watchdog group Honest Reporting. It focuses on the cause of the war between Palestine and Israel by examining the fulfillment of the peace declaration principles that were made by the Palestine Authority and Israel, this principles were known as Oslo Accords. The documentary generally points a finger on the Palestine authority for not keeping their word to maintain peace and end war that had lasted for decades. The film shows how the Palestinian Authority fails to educate its people for peace and instead teaches its people on hating, suicide bombing and killing the Israelis and the Jews. The main Agenda of the Filmmaker is to show how the Palestinian Authority failed to fulfil Oslo Accords and also to show that Israel is not to blame for the continued conflict between them. According to the Documentary, Israel kept all its promises to Palestine which included returning of the disputed lands, giving arms to the new Palestine police force and recognizing PLO as the representative of Palestinians. The filmmaker captures the footage of the Palestinian leaders and religious leaders inciting people to continue killing and destroying Jews. In one instance, the film captures the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat saying “peace in return for land, not security in return for land”. This shows that despite the long peace negotiations, Arafat would not stop fighting the Israelis (Bickerton & Klausner, 233).


After watching this documentary, I wondered whether all those claims about Palestine were true and whether was it true that the Israel government was as perfect as the film depicts them. After watching the film and reading few books on this issue, I came to a conclusion that the documentary was highly biased and misleading on the conflict background. We see numerous mentioning of Palestine as the ancestral home of the Jews, but little mentioning of the large number of arabs in that land for many years, this also is also seen in the book (Bickerton & Klausner, 26).

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