The short story, A Rose for Emily focuses on the life of a mysterious woman, Emily Grierson. Living alone in an old square-frame house at one corner of the town, it's impossible for the townspeople to know the mysterious activities that happed behind the great walls of the ancient house Emily resides in. Her detachment from the society around her sends Miss Grierson into a lonely and depressing path. Throughout the story, conflicts ensue between Miss Grierson and the authorities as well as the townspeople due to her eccentric way of life. Through the character of Miss Emily Grierson, the story explores the theme isolation-a theme that contributes significantly to the quality of the short story.
Through Emily Grierson, the theme of isolation and the effects of the same come out strong throughout the story. Emily secludes herself from the society. She shuts her doors for months, and only the Negro man that comes in and out of the house shows signs of life in the house. "The Negro man went in and out with the market basket, but the front door remained closed." Often, throughout the story, the big mansion Emily resides has some form of a ghostly reputation about it due to its isolated nature and the mystery of what happens behind the big intimidating walls.