Amazon Social Media Management

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            Social media services refer to online services which support social interactions of online users as well as allow sharing, finding and evaluation of information. Social media has in the recent times become important in business marketing. Companies using social media as a marketing means are able to share text, images, video as well as audio information to their users via the internet and vice versa (Kotler, 2012). This is indeed a big change from the traditional marketing which involved use of means such as radio, print, billboards etc. one of the business organizations which has embraced these futuristic marketing methods includes the amazon US company. The company which is an internet-based retailer which uses the e-commerce and cloud computing technologies to sell its products online and increase brand loyalty (Hew, 2016). Due to the increased changes in technological trends, the amazon company has come up with different social media management strategies which have ensured the company stays atop of the online retail industry. This discussion will take into consideration the company’s specific strategies, techniques used in social media marketing and how the company’s engagement with the users is important to the company’s objectives.

Amazon’s marketing strategies and techniques

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GradShark (2023). Amazon Social Media Management. GradShark.

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