Behavioral Support Plan: Individual Support Plan

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The following behavioural support plan is designed to support Lilly, a jovial and playful student who makes the classroom and the playground lively. A Behavioral Support Plan (BSP) is a document in school that is designed to help students who need some support which can aid them in self-regulation, and in general behaviors expected with others in an educational environment. An effective BSP is beneficial to both the student and the school in many ways. According to Carr, Dunlap, Horner, Koegel, Turnbull, Sailor and Fox, conduct change in a student happens all the more promptly when the emphasis is on help, assembling the abilities required for expert social conduct and expanding the understudy's behavioral and student’s excellence (Carr et al, 2002).  Despite the frequent outbursts, Lilly is cheerful and her peers enjoy playing with her in the playground. Even so, Lilly is yet to learn how to differentiate positive from negative attention, as well as the different types of behaviors for particular environments. As such, this plan aims at creating a positive and normal school day for Lilly in line with Carr et al. (2002), Positive Behavior Support.

Behaviours Targeted to Increase

1.      Efforts to increase Lilly’s attentiveness: Lilly cries and asks to see mum even when repeatedly reminded to pick up the pencil and sign in on student’s classroom sign –in sheet.

Student Behaviour

Teacher Behaviour

Lilly did not respond to re-direction until after 3 reminders at the bathroom.

Teacher immediately offers verbal reinforcement for the expected behaviour. Teacher should remind Lilly, for instance, ‘hand washing needs to be done upon arrival and before allowed to continue with daily classroom routine’ and assure her that she will eventually see her mum, and the mum will be proud of her.


2.      Focus on co-operation with other students in the class: Lilly is able to sit with other peers and share the classroom materials.

Student Behaviour

Teacher Behaviour

After a few reminders Lilly chooses an area of interest in the classroom and sits alongside other peers.

Positive attention (verbal reinforcement): Teacher firmly warns Lilly that if she does not co-operate, she will not be allowed to pick a play area until after she stayed calm. Thereafter, the teacher should congratulate Lilly for the co-operation and assure her of a play area if she keeps on the good behaviour.

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GradShark (2023). Behavioral Support Plan: Individual Support Plan. GradShark.

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