Apple has a threefold performance management system that focusses on planning, appraisal and coaching. The system is effective as it ensures the full utilization of the resources available to the organization, towards the achievement of its goals and objectives. Moreover, the system appraises the employees and managers against the predetermined goals set for them (Aguinis, 2009). Lastly, the system also provides feedback to the individual employees, and the necessary support needed to better their overall performance.
The goals of the organization are communicated to the employees soon after being set. The line-managers then identify the necessary steps to be taken in order to achieve the goals. The performance of each individual is then measured against their roles in the various steps towards the achievement of the goals.
At Apple Inc., appraisals are conducted on a continuous basis, providing feedback to both the person conducting the appraisal and the one being appraised. The feedback received by both assists them in identifying their weak areas and the subsequent measures that will help them improve. In addition, the organization’s human resource management department uses this information to determine what to look for in their future recruitment exercises.