Communication Questions

Media Studies
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Question 2

Virtual space refers to that area that existing between two dimensions that a person sees whereas real space relates to the actual world of space that people share with others. Virtual space is generated through computer mechanism, and, it is not tangible. On the other hand, real space exists by nature, and more so, its presence can be felt since the space is substantial. Virtual space, with the help of computer assistance, can be viewed in a three-dimensional representation of the setting in which the person using the technology can presumably perceive himself as being in the real space within which the virtual interaction occurs. However, in real space, the events taking place are real, and the individual in the real space can interact with these events one on one without necessarily using any form of technology (Sorenson and Stuart, 2011). For example, in virtual space, people can play games that they feel they are in the same space. Even then, the interaction is only limited to a virtual user interface. However, when the same people are playing a similar game in a real space, they have the capability of directly associating themselves with the game by not just through the help of technology but also direct body contact. The events in virtual space are not real, and so the users cannot encounter body injuries or accidents, but the events in the real space are genuine and can inflict a direct body damage.

Virtual space interacts with real space through a variety of ways. For instance, computer generated environments are used to contact predictions and analysis of the impact of real space to real objects. In essence, the virtual space can be used to test the effect of a real stormy environment on airplanes, and this is achieved through simulation on the interaction of the technology users with the virtual space (Faust, 2015). Also, a virtual space is used to create digital media works that do not necessarily require the embodiment in a physical object within a real space. Furthermore, virtual space facilitates the production of digital media like the application that support the interaction of human being and the technology through the requests that are made to perform a task in the real space. Similarly, though in the background, their originality is from a virtual world. A typical example is a file that is created using computer application appears in its virtual format when it is still on the computer but when it is printed as a hard copy, its state changes from virtual to real.

The varying spatial and temporal measurement units across these dimensions can be reconciled through the integration of user-friendly interfaces that would facilitate the establishment of proper measures and strategies.  These strategies would help to control all the events effectively both in the virtual space and real space mostly in the virtual space since all the activities that take place in the real space have their prior testing in the virtual space. Again proper utilization of technology is a way to reconcile the two since many experts have perceived technology as the only solution to the issues in the real space. Even so, that is not always the case. Therefore, technology experts should ensure there is line of differentiation between the perceptions of what virtual space presents to what is in the real space.

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