Concepts Of Global Warming

Social Issues
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    Have you at any time asked yourself why the temperatures on earth are ever rising? The sad thing human activities are destroying the world in the name of inventions and industrializations. Do you also know that certain species of animals, birds, and plants have seized to exist? It can be associated with evolution as some of the scientists and historians claim. One thing is clear that the world we live in today is different from the earlier days. Researchers argue that climate change has caused many of the problems being experienced today (Stern & Nicholas Herbert). The main activities that have changed the environment are human activities also referred to anthropogenic and geological causes. Geological causes result from things like asteroid impacts, natural cycles, and volcanic eruptions. The earth has always been able to cycle the gasses, but with excessive volcanoes, it has not been able to fix the atmosphere. Through ecosystem, the inhabitants of the earth affected the climate. The emissions from evolving bacteria and plants were released to the air and life continued. The difference is that in the past the emissions were released in small quantities and the ecosystem could handle it. However, human activities have increased the rate at which evolution is taking place leading to climatic dangers. Global warming is one of the dangers facing the globe as people continue with the activities that trigger climatic changes. This paper seeks to understand global warming, its causes, effects and the solution.


Global warming is a continuous increase in the temperature of the earth due to the greenhouse effect caused by the accumulation of carbon dioxide and other pollutants in the atmosphere. It is a menace that has threatened to destroy the whole world (Wackernagel, Mathis & William 9). Over, the past 50 years temperatures have remarkably increased, and the scientists predict the trend is likely to accelerate. Some deniers have argued that the rise in temperatures has slowed down. However, scientists have disproved them by warning that temperatures could increase to an uncontrollable level. With the prevailing desperate conditions, it calls for someone to come up with a way forward to curbing this menace (MacMillan & Amanda 2016).

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GradShark (2023). Concepts of Global Warming. GradShark.

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