The Cops is a show which has aired on Fox for the longest time. The show runs for 30 minutes and follows police officers in their daily activities as they fight crimes. The show initially only showed scenes from Broward County but with time advanced to air episodes acted from various parts of the country. The show is programmed in such a way that it has no script, but stories are told from the perspective of the police officers on duty. In this paper, I will take a keen interest in season 30 episode 22 which was aired on November 13, 2017, titled ‘ Fake cash and whiplash.'
On episode 22, the show begins with a pursuit of several cars suspected to be driven by criminals. One of the suspects flees on foot. The quest seems dangerous, and one of the suspects is seen throwing away some of his clothes in a way to hide his guilt. In another scene, a shopkeeper is seen engaging in a fistfight with a man he confronts claiming that he had ripped him off (Langley and Barbour, 1989). Eventually, all the suspects are caught by the police officers on duty and handcuffed for questioning.