Description Of Various Aspects Of Power

Leadership Studies
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Power is the capacity to have goals and objectives accomplished. Those with power have the ability to influence the conduct of others to achieve some goals (Bacon, 2011). In some cases, individuals oppose endeavors to have certain things done. However, a compelling leader can conquer that resistance. Despite the fact that individuals can view power as shrewd or degenerate, power is a reality of hierarchical life and in itself it’s neither great nor awful (Robbins & Judge, 2013). Leaders can utilize power to advantage others or to compel them, to serve the association's objectives or to undermine them. Another approach to view power is as an asset that individuals use to have particular goals accomplished.
The interrelationship between power and leadership.

In the modern era functions of power and leadership get frequently confounded. Despite the fact that they have comparable implications, they can be unmistakably characterized between the recent. The key contrast between the two is the term of impact. Power is the activity of leadership, and leadership get just characterized on the off chance that you have power. Leadership dependably includes endeavors on a leader to influence the conduct or a devotee in a circumstance, while power is not proportional to impact on someone else's behavior (Olafsson, 2013).

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GradShark (2023). Description of Various Aspects of power. GradShark.

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