Disruptive Technologies And Public Health Efforts

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To make work easier and more fulfilling in various clinics and even health sector technology must be applied. Disruptive technologies are innovations that use technology to ease and simplify their jobs. These changes all work towards the same goal of accessibility to patient data, portability, ease in usability, saving healthcare costs and ease in navigation (Armour, & Thizy, 2010, pg.3). Some examples of disruptive technologies include cloud computing, mobile home care devices, unified communications, clinical decision support system, smartphones, patient health records and smartphones.

All these innovations not only work for managing personal healthcare, but it also adequate to serve public health. . Public health is the science and art of averting diseases, promoting the health of the general population and prolonging life. Following the implication of the name, public health informatics is the use of informatics for the purpose of learning, public health practice and research (Saba, & McCormick, 2015, pg. 27). Controlling and preventing diseases that might quickly spread and compromise the health of many are some examples of Public health practices. It comprises appropriate treatment of contagious diseases, immunizations, health surveillance and prevention of disease spread.

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GradShark (2023). Disruptive Technologies and Public Health Efforts. GradShark. https://gradshark.com/example/disruptive-technologies-and-public-health-efforts

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