Does Effective Development Policy Depend On Good Research?

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        I.            The complexity of effective development process springs from about two varying issues (Martiniello and Florence 2005).

     II.            On one hand, there is the dire need to strike a balance among the numerous inputs that form the process, for instance, the analysis of social values, political contexts and economic impacts. On the other hand, there is the need to consider the quest for information by the people responsible for making the policies.

  III.            Thesis: The paper argues that development policies have a wide range of goals, and the use of research might benefit just a part of the policy, for instance, health policy, but may be less significant in, for instance, global policies.

Paragraph 1

                    I.            Research evidence, alongside other aspects, is vital in effective development policy formulation.

                 II.            An accurate insinuation would be that the general role of research in development policy formation is to reorient the iterative and intricate process of policy formulation towards a certain direction (Marston and Watts 2003).

Paragraph 2

        I.            Such an insinuation leads to an examination of the necessity of conducting research to influence development policy formulation and implementation, which should not be confused with the subsuming roles.

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GradShark (2023). Does effective development policy depend on good research?. GradShark.

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