Equine Massage Business

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I intend to start up an equine massage business which is the art of performing some relieving massage on horses. Horses often get fatigued, hurt or even distressed and therefore require some therapy to relax the muscles. It requires experience to understand which muscles require what kind of therapy. The therapist makes use of his or her hands, fingers, elbows and other nerve triggering tools to massage a horse. Horses can be emotional just like human beings; horses can love or spite an individual depending on how they are handled. The paper will discuss my equine massage business and how I intend to ensure it becomes successful.

            The field of horse massage is relatively new but is continually being embraced all over the country. As such, the prices have not yet been standardized. I plan on charging horse owners about 30 to 50 dollars per hour of horse therapy at the beginning of my entrepreneurial venture.

            I plan on availing my services to my clients both at night and during the day. I will ensure that am available to horse owners upon request regardless of what time it is as long as the location is accessible even at night. The 24-hour availability will ensure my services are competitive in the market.

            To create awareness about my services, I plan on ensuring I advertise the business on social media applications such as Facebook and Instagram. The platforms will require frequent updates to ensure that the sites are lively and engaging. I will ensure I get testimonials from happy clients and update them on social media. That way, potential clients can review previous works making them want to try out my services.

            My equine massage business will meet an often-ignored need for horses to be subjected to rest and therapy. When horses are tired or hurt, they are likely to be moody and even refuse to perform their expected tasks. A horse is usually on movement either for races, carrying of goods or even entertaining people in museums. Hence, they get tired and require massage. Horse massage is not a new business but has not yet been taken up by many entrepreneurs. Horse owners have also not fully embraced the notion of a horse being massaged.

            My equine massage business will be targeted towards horse owners, animal rescue centers and horse racing firms. I will be in a position to offer a lower price for my services because a fee of 30-50 dollars an hour will be lower than the market rate of 50-100 dollars per hour ("Rates for Canine Dog Massage, Equine Horse Massage, Pet Sitting, Dog Walking and Pet Taxi Services in NE Kansas | Guardian Pet Care & Massage", 2017). The lower price will be because I will be mobile hence no costs for an office and other employees.

            The horse massage business will meet a business to consumer need covering a wide range of consumers who own horses. As at 2012, the number of horses owned by households in the USA was, 4,856,000 as indicated by the ("U.S. Pet Ownership Statistics", 2017). Thus, there is availability of market in the country.

            Most horse owners love their horses and would expect a therapist to treat them with care. The owners also expect that the horses will show signs of relief after the massage (McBride, Hemmings and Robinson, 2004). I plan on taking a short course to give me hands on experience performing massage on horses that way, I will know what is required and when. I will also ensure I understand the cause of distress in a specific horse in order to know what therapy will work.

            I expect customers to require my services whenever their horses show signs of fatigue, hurt or even customers who want to treat their animals to some relaxing massage. I intend to differentiate my products by ensuring am accessible any time of day or night. I also plan on working with horse trainers and veterinarians who will recommend my services to their already existing clientele.

            In summary, equine massage business is viable because it is a relatively new business in the country and that will meet the needs of many horse owners. The market is readily available all that is required is for entrepreneurs to differentiate their services and come up with good business plans.

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GradShark (2023). Equine Massage Business . GradShark. https://gradshark.com/example/equine-massage-business

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