I would like to obtain gifted in field-endorsement certification to educate students and help them solve different challenges they experience. Gifted in-field endorsement certification is an additional certified training to a qualified teacher. A teacher with gifted in-field endorsement is qualified to teach gifted students. A gifted student is a student who can express potential for performance. Talented students can perform at higher levels. Some students are talented in particular academic fields such as mathematics; others are gifted in art language while other students perform at higher levels in sciences. It is essential to realize that not every gifted student act similar to each other. Giftedness occurs in each and all demographic group. Talents also exist in every different distinctive character which is the personality type. Teachers play a very constructive role in the lives of gifted students and even their families at large. The most basic role of educators is to ensure that gifted students are equipped to develop their potential both academically and intellectually in partnership with the parents. Educating gifted students has been seen to have both negative and positive encounters.
Besides, I would also like to obtain gifted in-field endorsement certification to deliver the quality standard of education. The critical component for providing top quality standardized education to the students is through certification. Educators with proper professional teaching credentials are eligible to endorsements that allow them to teach and engage students in other extra subjects. A teacher who wishes to prepare gifted students should have a valid teaching certificate. This certificate only qualifies them to teach regular students. For certification, additional college coursework level specifically for the gifted student is required. Certification in gifted in-field focuses on distinctive academic, social and emotional shortcomings facing talented students. Before any hope to provide an excellent teaching of gifted students, a teacher should have a good background in both theory and practical classes. Research shows that during class time, educators encounter a wide range of student abilities, skills, and knowledge. Hence all qualified professionals must have good skills which enable them to distinguish their instructions towards gifted students to empower them to learn how to grow every day. Flexible ability grouping and acceleration are some of the strategies required to teach gifted students. Students will build their understanding from various perspectives through flexible groupings. Groupings allow the students to develop their communication skills, build their background knowledge and even impact achievement in the workforce.