Health Improvement And Promoting Well-being

Health And Social Care
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 1.1 Evaluate the concept of health and ill-health

 The concept of health refers to different thing to different people. According to the traditional medical model, health referred to the absence of illness (Wade & Halligan, 2017). However, such a definition was deemed inadequate. As a result, the world health organization come up with a new definition of health. WHO (2022) define health as ‘a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely an absence of disease or affirmity’. Even though the WHO definition of health has been criticized on a number of grounds, it does recognize that health is not just an absence of illness or disease, it also covers the physical, mental, and social wellbeing of an individual. For instance, under the traditional medical model, an individual that has no illness but is stressed would still be considered as healthy. However, under the WHO (2022) definition of health, since such an individual lack good well-being despite being free from any illness, he would still be considered unhealthy. On the other hand, the concept of ill health refers to the state in which an individual is unable to perform normally and without pain (WHO, 2022). 

 1.2 Compare and contrast models of health

 There are different models of health with each model having its perspective on health and illness. The first and most common model is the biomedical model.   The bio-medical model was developed in the 18th century after the traditional natural science began to control medical practice (Wade & Halligan, 2017). The model believes that science can be used treat and address all diseases and ill-health (Wade & Halligan, 2004). According to the model, illness occurs as a result of physical and biological factors only, and as such, it excludes possible psychological and social factors that may lead to human illness (Farre & Rapley, 2017). It would be right to say that the biomedical model sees the human body as a machine that once broken need to be fixed by finding a cure. As such prevention of diseases is not a priority of this model. Its priority is to diagnose and find the cure to fix the illness detected in the human body. As noted by Wade & Halligan (2004), the main of biomedical is not to prevent illness and diseases but to reduce ‘morbidity and premature mortality. 

The social model is yet another model of health.  Unlike the biomedical model which believes biological factors are the only cause of illness, the social model of health recognizes that factors beyond biological one also contribute to individuals’ health.  The social model argues that Psychological, social, cultural, political, environmental and economic factors all have a role in determining individuals’ health (Wade & Halligan, 2017). For instance, psychological factors such as high levels of stress can hurt health. Another good example is poor housing. Poor housing can lead to damp which can, in turn, lead to asthma.   Therefore, unlike the biomedical model which focuses on diagnosis and treatment in addressing ill health, the social model uses the change of behaviors, lifestyle, and personal responsibilities among other interventions to address ill health (Farre & Rapley, 2017). 


1.3 Analyze factors affecting health and well being

 According to WHO (2017), a combination of factors work together to influence the health and well-being of individuals. These include where people live, their work, the state of the environment, genetics, their economic situation e.g. income level, education level, and the relationship they have with friends and families.   These factors can be categorized into several categories which include, social-economic factors, environmental factors, a person's characteristics, and behaviors. 

 Social-economic factors- a lot of social-economic factors have a direct impact on individual health and wellbeing. These factors include education level, income level, physical environment, social support network, and gender. 

  • Education level –  previous evidence has established a connection between individual health and their level of education.  Well-educated individuals experience better health than poorly educated individuals (Braveman & Gottlieb, 2014).  In one longitudinal study conducted by Raghupathi & Raghupathi, (2020), education level was found to influences infant mortality, life expectancy, child vaccination, and enrolment rate. Braveman & Gottlieb (2014) also point out that education improves individual critical and logical thinking which help them in making healthier choices and decision in life. 
  • Income- empirical evidence has also established a connection between individuals’ income level and their health and wellbeing.  A high-income level is associated with better health (Kickbusch, 2012)
  • Social capital/ social support network- an individual social capital also has a direct impact on their health. Individuals with strong and good social support from families, friends, and the community enjoy better health and well-being than those who lack such social capital (Kickbusch, 2012, WHO, 2017).
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GradShark (2023). Health Improvement and Promoting Well-being. GradShark.

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