Health Problems Induced by consumption of Carbonated Beverages
Carbonated drinks are beverages that contain dissolved carbon dioxide. The dissolution of CO2 in a liquid that is fizzy. The process usually involves carbon dioxide under high pressure. When the pressure is removed, the carbon dioxide is released from the solution as small bubbles, which causes the solution to become fizzy. Carbonated drinks are very common in the current society and have been popular in all parts of the world since 1783 after they were commercialized by Jacob Schweppes in Switzerland. There are many different kinds of carbonated drinks that comprise of Coke, Fanta, and Sprite that have become a part of our life. In spite of the popularity of these drinks, there still exists a debate whether drinking carbonated beverages are beneficial to our health. In fact much evidence emerges that chronic consumption of carbonated beverages can put our health at risk. With more and more people, especially the youth, consuming cola drinks compared to other drinks, the health effects of cola drinks is no doubt an important public health matter. This paper will examine the health problems caused by carbonated drinks like Cola. The research will be centered on the following questions:
· Is there any link between a global genome hypomethylation and consumption of carbonated drinks?
· Is there any link between bone mineral density changes and consumption of carbonated drinks?