Interview Context
The joy of each and every parent is to raise healthy children at all costs. However, this desire is not always the case as most parents find themselves giving birth to children with disabilities or they develop them as they grow. Autism condition is one of the problems that manifest in children leaving parents totally helpless on how to get their kids through with daily routines like learning in schools or how to socialize in a healthy way with other children (Cook, Semmel, & Gerber, 2013). This study focuses to find out how do parents of children with significant needs see the inclusion policy. A mother of a child with autism condition shall be interviewed to articulate her thoughts and experiences regarding inclusion policy. Analysis and conclusion shall be given hereafter in the paper,
Interview Protocol
The protocol or the purpose of this research is to find out experiences of a parent of a child with significant needs. Secondly, the research was devised to get answers regarding the challenges both the parent and the child met in the mainstream class. Thirdly parent’s thoughts regarding the inclusion policy shall be identified. Finally, a possible solution to the challenges they faced shall be pointed out.