How To Motivate Staff Within The Government Sector In The Middle East Workplace

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Lately, employee motivation has been dominating debates on how to improve organisational performance and achieve the goals of an organisation. My government, for instance, is undertaking myriad transformations aimed at achieving its future visions. With the ever-increasing need for employee motivation, comes the quest to find better ways to motivate staff in both government and non-governmental organisations.  Even so, it has been projected that the levels and modes of motivation differ with the type of sector, with the government sector employees being harder to motivate (Perry, Hondeghem and Wise 2010). Compensation and benefits form the central pillar of motivation in government sectors, especially given that governments have a budget limit and wide spectrum of financial obligations to fulfil. The intricate balance between a strict budget and the financial obligations as well as compensation and benefits is the greatest employee motivation challenge for governments. Other employee motivation issues within the government sector include work-life balance, professional growth, recognition, and a conducive working environment. The comprehension of the interlink between government sector employee motivation and the above issues requires an incorporation of particular motivation theories and perspectives as well as understanding the influence of culture and leadership contribution. This research explores the Two Factor theory and Reinforcement theory in addition to other relevant motivation theories (Herzberg). The research employs a variety of methodologies for both primary and secondary data collection. Individual methods for the former include interviews, surveys, and questionnaires, while the latter encompasses a review of past articles, studies, and any relevant literature within the context of the research. Given the challenges that my government faces concerning employee motivation and the resulting struggles, I am more interested in this field of research to proffer the much needed advice to my government concerning the best ways to motivate its employees.


This research project hopes to lay a proper and definitive path to government sector employee motivation with a strict focus in the context of Saudi Arabia. While at it, I will highlight the collectively feasible motivation triggers that can be activated in employees in an organisation irrespective of the financial constraints. Besides, the study will embark on the exploration of how to use the existing platforms and resources with the aim of effectively activating the above motivation triggers. I expect that this research will generate appropriate findings that are both plausible and feasible to all governmental organisations not only in Saudi Arabia, but also in the greater Middle East with similar situations and HR system limitation.

Research Rationale

Employee motivation within the government sector is a topic in which I am particularly interested given the related challenges currently plaguing my government. I am intent on providing a feasible solution to the HR limitations that contribute to employee motivation problems in the Saudi Arabian government. I am also interested in supporting my government’s quest to provide a vibrant community, thriving economy, and effective government for the citizens. Given the faint line that defines the differences between employee motivation in public and private sectors in the existing studies, this research is aimed at setting the record straight through contextualisation of the subject matter in government sectors, specifically, the Saudi Arabian government.

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GradShark (2023). How to Motivate Staff within the Government Sector in the Middle East Workplace. GradShark.

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