Impacts Of Gun Control Legislations

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Statistics estimate that there are more than 300 million guns in the US, which translates to about one gun per person. 90 people are killed by guns daily with more than twice the number injured. It may not be possible to eliminate all injuries and deaths by guns but it is possible to reduce their numbers by stricter gun laws. Guns are strongly connected to violent crimes (especially domestic crime). The laws regulating gun ownership are in some way lax, contributing to the high rates of firearm homicide that are reported. The current rate of homicide in countries with loose gun control laws such as America is 3.4. It can be contrasted with a rate of 1.8 in countries with strict gun laws. If these laws are implemented, it is possible to save 10,000 lives every year from gun deaths. As Christians we should be concerned about this, since in Gen 9: 5-6, God says he will require from every man the account of the life of fellow man. We should therefore seek to promote laws and policies that ensure our survival of our brothers.

            Gun laws have proven to be effective. These laws have a series of checks in place, such as mental evaluation for potential gun owners; gun licensing; a waiting period when buying guns; restriction on the kinds of guns that can be owned and gun cabinets for storage. These laws aim to prevent guns from falling into the wrong hands by using a variety of tactics. It is our duty as Christians to ensure that those who are mentally troubled, or who sympathize with terrorist activities are kept away from guns to prevent the occurrence of gun related deaths. These regulations have been effective in reducing gun deaths especially due to mass shootings. Australia introduced gun control laws in 1996, and since then there has only been one mass shooting as compared to 14 mass shootings between 1981- 1996 before the introduction of the regulations. Research has shown that states with restrictive gun laws have a 42% reduction in fatalities as compared to those with lax laws.

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GradShark (2023). Impacts of gun control legislations. GradShark.

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