Standardisation and adaption framework
When contemplating to enter an international market, It is important for a company first of all to understand the external environment including Political, social, culture, legal and economic factors of the market they are planning to enter. It is only after doing so; a company can be able to develop a winning marketing Mix (Agkun, Keskin, & Ayar, 2014). Normally, when the external environment in the international market is similar to that of the home market the company can easily use the standardization marketing approach. Standardization marketing approach is one whereby a company chose to use the same marketing mix in an international market as used in home market. In this approach, the company use the same product, promotion, pricing and distribution (place) strategy in the international market as used in it home market. On the other hand, when there are differences between home market and international market, adaptation or localized approach is the most appropriate to use. This is an approach where the marketing mix is localized according to the prevailing needs of each marke (Agkun, Keskin, & Ayar, 2014)t.