Large Companies Should Be Regulated To Prevent Them Gaining An Unfair Advantage

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The current business environment is rife with competition from both small, medium and big firms. Regardless of the size of the company, all are in the race to gain a sustainable competitive advantage that will ensure the particular firm improves its position in the market. However, whilst the competition may be a positive and normal occurrence in the corporate landscape, it has given birth to corporate monopoly. The concept denotes a case where large companies use anti-competitive practices to hinder the growth of smaller or medium companies. Given the negative impacts riding along with corporate monopoly, it is justified to champion for extensive regulation of larger companies to prevent them from gaining an unfair competitive advantage over their smaller counterparts. Extensive regulation of the larger companies will monitor their growth, progress and ensure they use legally accepted means to achieve a competitive advantage and the subsequent growth. In this manner, the smaller and medium companies both have a space to prosper just like their larger counterparts. It is, however, noteworthy that any company has a chance of engaging in competitively cunning practices, but the large companies are highly likely to succeed since they have both the financial muscle and voice to cover their tracks of get away with the mischief (Herring, 2016xxx).In particular, the following discussion will advocate for the regulation of larger companies based on their high likelihood to engage in such anti-competitive practices such as price fixing and limit pricing, regulation, and protectionism.

Large companies and price fixing and limit price

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GradShark (2023). Large companies should be regulated to prevent them gaining an unfair advantage. GradShark.

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