Lead Practice In Promoting The Wellbeing And Resilience Of Children And Young People

Health And Social Care
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Explain the importance of wellbeing for children and young people

Wellbeing can be simply defined a state of being comfortable, healthy and happy (Gill, 2017).  Promoting wellbeing of children and young people is one of the responsibilities that care providers must take seriously. This is so because the wellbeing of children and young people is important for a number of reasons. First, children/young people wellbeing has a connection with their development.  When the wellbeing of the children/young people is taken good care of, it led to holistic development.  Holistic development in this case means better health, better mental health, better mobility, positive sexual wellbeing, identity, cognitive development, communication and emotional wellbeing (Gill, 2017).  If a children and young people’s setting fails to promote or look after the children’s wellbeing, it is likely to lead to some developmental problems such as poor socializing skills, poor health, poor sexual wellbeing, and poor cognitive development among other (. Therefore, to ensure a children or young people enjoy holistic development, it is a must that their wellbeing is taken serious by those who care for them.  Secondly, there is interrelationship between various aspects of development. For instance, according to Golman’s theory of emotional intelligence, there is a strong link between development of the brain and emotional intelligence (Pavoola, L, 2017).  Therefore, wellbeing of children/young people is important as it affect various aspect of development. For instance, a children or young people with better wellbeing, experience good mental health and cognitive development and as Golman’s theory suggest, such development influence other aspect of development such as emotional intelligence. 


Explain the importance of resilience for children and young people


 Resilience can be simply defined as the capacity to withstand or recover from toughness or a difficulty circumstance (Masten et al, 2013).  Resilience for children and young people is importance for a number of reasons.  First, children and young people with good resilience is able to concentrate at school, and in his or her extra curriculum activities and interest despite having faced some form of adversity in their life (Masten et al 2013). Secondly, resilience is an important skill for children and young people as it helps them learn how to cope and find solution to problems.  It therefore improves children/young people coping skills and problem-solving skills (Alvord and Grados, 2015).  Thirdly, there is a relationship between children/young people resilience and their health and wellbeing.  Strong resilience among children and young people helps reduce the effect of adversity or difficulty situation on children/young people’s health development. On the other hand, lack of resilience among children and young people makes them vulnerable to the effect of adversity hence leading to deteriorating health and wellbeing (Alvord & Grados, 2015). For instance, a child/young person that lack better resilience is likely to fall into depression or become, emotionally disturbed when faced with difficulty situation such as parent divorce which might go a long way to in negatively affecting her or his health and wellbeing. On the other hand, a child or young person with better resilience capacity is likely to reduce the effect of such a difficulty circumstance, hence preventing her or himself into falling into depression or from experiencing emotional problem which might affect their development, health and wellbeing. 


Critically analyse different approaches to promoting wellbeing and resilience of children and young people

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GradShark (2023). Lead practice in Promoting the Wellbeing and Resilience of Children and Young People. GradShark. https://gradshark.com/example/lead-practice-in-promoting-the-wellbeing-and-resilience-of-children-and-young-people

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