Liza Steinberg, Homicide Case, Child Abuse, First-degree Murder, New York Police Department

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The Liza Steinberg homicide case is famously known for involving child abuse. The case was about a wealthy couple Mr. Steinberg and his wife Hedda. Steinberg was an attorney while his wife was an editor. In 1987, the couple was charged with the murder of their adopted daughter Liza. According to Hedda, the daughter had been hit by the father because she wanted to go out with him and he did not want to be accompanied by the six-year-old girl. Upon being hit, Liza became unconscious for hours. Hedda did not report hoping she would wake up on her own. When Steinberg returned home after several hours, the girl was still unconscious (Volk, 1989). It is at this point that Hedda called 911 claiming that Liza had chocked as she was taking her breakfast.

Upon reaching the hospital, the nurses and doctors tried to revive her but the girl died. However, Liza had bruises that indicated abuse. The teachers at Liza’s school also confirmed that the girl always had injuries on her face and head but she always said it is her younger brother Michelle who hurt her (Volk, 1989). In addition, the teachers also claimed the girl came to school on her own crossing the busy streets without the escort of an adult.

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GradShark (2023). Liza Steinberg, Homicide Case, child abuse, first-degree murder, New York Police Department. GradShark.

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