Managing Finance In Health And Social Care

Health And Social Care
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2.1 – Explain and give examples from your working practice where you have worked with others to calculate the financial resources required to meet objectives within your own area of responsibility

 As a manager in a care organization, it is important that all the financial resources needed for the attainment of objectives are identified.  The attainment of objectives is largely determined by the availability of resources needed. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that once the objectives are set, the financial resources needed for the attainment of the objectives are identified. In my own working practice, where I lead a small organization that provides care to people in their home, once we set the objective whether for the entire organization or for supporting a single individual, I, together with my team, begin by identifying all items, activities and services and their cost, that is needed to execute our responsibility effectively.  I work closely with my subordinate as well as with services users to identify the financial resources need to take care of each service user and then sum up together to come up with a budget for each financial period. In this way, we are able to identify all the financial resources that are needed to meet our objective. 

2.2 – Explain and give examples from your working practice how you communicate budget requirements within the remit of role and responsibility to inform the overall budget build

 Budgeting is necessary for the attainment of objectives.  It does allow for effective and efficient allocation of financial resources.  A good budget cannot be built by an individual person. It requires communication between different individuals and different departments within the organization. Therefore, communicating budget requirements is crucial in the development of the overall budget. In my working practice, where I lead a small organization taking care of people in their homes, the budget requirements are usually communicated through meetings and reports. We usually hold the meeting during the budgeting period, where the budget requirements are communicated to all relevant individuals within the care organization. Report on the same is also prepared and shared with the relevant individuals. While the meeting ensures that budget requirement is communicated to other and also provide them with the opportunity to seek clarification and further explanation, the report provides a written record which individual can use as a source of reference. In addition, some of the budget requirements are developed into procedures and policies that are communicated to all the employees through email or during the induction process. Again, this helps ensures that all the relevant employees within my care organization understand the budget requirements that must be adhered to. 

2.3 - Analyse the impact of an insufficient budget on service delivery

 An insufficient budget does have a negative impact on service delivery.  To begin with, an insufficient budget does affect the employees that help in the delivery of services.  Once a care organization has an insufficient budget, it becomes impossible for them to pay staffs allowance on time or get them the tools and resources needed in the delivery of services. As a result, staffs become demoralized, and others may become less committed to their job and organization which negatively affect the delivery of services.  The insufficient budget also does affect sub-contracted services. Once a care organization has an insufficient budget, it becomes difficult for them to pay the sub-contracted services on time or per agreement. As a result, sub-contracted services might be withdrawn hence leaving a service gap.  Finally, the insufficient budget also does affect service users.  Once a care organization is experiencing an insufficient budget, it becomes impossible for the organization to sufficiently fund the delivery of services and as a result, service users received poor quality care services that are not able to meet their needs. for instance, the insufficient budget may lead to staffing issue which in turn may lead to a situation where service users have to wait for long hours before receiving care Or they might be served by overworked staffs who is most likely to deliver poor care to the service users.


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GradShark (2023). Managing Finance in Health and Social care. GradShark.

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