Managing People In Health And Social Care

Health And Social Care
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The fields of health and social care need an HRM strategy plan as well as HRM policies. They cause any firm to become focused on the aim of providing excellent service to its clients or customers. In this article, I will offer a preparation report on different reasons why an HRM strategy and policies are essential for Health4All. These arguments will be broken down into three categories:

Sub-section 1: How to maximize individual and group performance

Managers and employees monitor performance, manage goals, and assess outcomes in performance management. Traditional performance management systems are quarterly, biannual, or annual. A continuous performance management approach uses technology to define and monitor objectives in real time and to provide continuing coaching, feedback, and alignment as priorities alter. Below are ways to boost individual and group performance.

Agreeing on SMART goals

Historically, organizations planned once a year. As the business environment becomes more agile and fast-paced, more organizations are adapting their processes to create “near-term” goals every three months. The organization’s objectives and values should inform performance planning to match individual performance with the overall strategy (Paarlberg et al., 2007). Each SMART objective should help achieve the organization’s aims.

Employees involved in goal-setting are 3.6 times more likely to be engaged (, n.d). Providing real examples of success in the role and describing the effect of their work are key to encouraging our workers to go above and beyond. Recognizing team members’ motivations and relating them to the organization’s goals is crucial. Over half of all employees (regardless of age, gender, location, or length of service) stated they would be more devoted to their professions if they felt their efforts counted (Arendse, 2013). One-third of respondents stated they would work harder and faster.

Personal development plan

Meanwhile, an individual’s personal development plan should think about how they might improve their behaviors, abilities, and knowledge to help them reach their goals and maintain the organization’s core values. Our managers and workers alike may benefit from the PDP process by working together to identify problem areas, establish targets, track development, and develop a plan of action. A performance goal may read: “By the end of the fiscal year, decrease administrative costs by 15%. (Lejeune et al., 2021).

Empower problem solving and learning

Let team members solve their own problems. Although the firm should aid, we should let our team come up with their own ideas and approaches. This will indicate they are valued. 42% of the 560 employees questioned for Deloitte’s talent 2020 report were looking for new jobs because they thought their current post did not maximize their abilities and credentials (Deloitte, 2012). Listening to our team’s ideas, use their skills, supporting self-directed learning, allowing them to make choices, and giving them ownership of their work enhance problem solving and learning. Creating a space to share and learn from errors.

Reviews and actions to be taken

When constructive criticism is related to employee growth and corporate success, employees are more responsive. Employees prefer short-term performance assessments versus annual or quarterly reviews because they allow for faster corrective and improvement processes. Constant performance feedback encourages employee buy-in to corporate goals and strengthens colleague ties (Bush, 2019). Staff enjoy how easily difficulties can be rectified and how they can restart momentarily paused work.

Promote flexible working

Flexible workplaces have happier, more productive staff. Thanks to telecommuting and remote work, many organizations may experiment with alternate work arrangements for specific employees (Isson, and Harriott, 2016). Studies and anecdotes show that remote employees are happier and more productive. Our company’s readiness to accommodate personal and family obligations may increase morale and loyalty.

Sub-section 2: Career development and lifelong learning opportunities

Career development and lifelong learning are activities that encourage learning, growth, and safe and effective. Professional growth in health and social care ensures high-quality patient care. Below is a debate about health and social care job development and LLL.

Attending conferences

Attending a conference may help our workers narrow skill gaps. Harker (2009) states that attending and reflecting on prior conferences has enhanced his knowledge base, deepened his awareness of the professional environment, and widened his professional network. To encourage CPD and emphasize the importance of such meetings, grants and cash are given to people who wish to attend conferences and other events.

Interactive workshops

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GradShark (2023). Managing People in Health and Social Care. GradShark.

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