Media bias refers to process by the media companies to interfere or even to wine a piece of information which they release to the public in their favor. They usually change such information so as to influence the public to view them as they want. Media bias also involves changing the public opinion by opting to give them some information which the media companies deems relevant. Usually, they should just issue the information to the public and how the public perceives such information should not be of great interest to them. In contrary, media bias ensures that the information availed to the public by the media houses portrays just what they want the public to see. There are several forms of media bias. They include the corporate bias, sensationalism, advertising bias, mainstream bias, concision bias, omission bias among others. The effect of media bias in the contemporary society is that it denies the public and the society as a whole the opportunity for fair decision making. The denial is supported by the fact that it influences their views and opinions.
Omission bias. It involves leaving out important information and news within a repeated period, therefore, playing a vital role in the decision-making process regarding the information released to the consumers. Omission bias could also just occur within one period. The emitted contents influence the conservativism and the liberality of the society on current issues.