Nineteen Eighty-four Novel By George Orwell

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            The awkward index meeting between Winston and Julia is fascinating since Orwell made the interaction seem unplanned and abrupt. Also, the two parties should not interact with one another as the laws of the party demand and people going against the party face humiliation through public parading and shaming. The author is vivid when explaining the oppression that the Party is exposing the citizens to as a measure to ensure that there is no interaction between the people in London and foreigners (Orwell, 1990). Evidently, the writer choice of words paints in the reader’s mind the rift between the Oceania, Eurasians and the Estonians. The two lovers, Winston and Julia, have contradicting traits, and such becomes the pillar of the bond. The latter individual has free will and does not worry that the restrictions that the Party has set would implicate the two to have committed a grave crime for being romantic.

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GradShark (2023). Nineteen Eighty-Four Novel by George Orwell. GradShark.

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