Nursing Theory

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Major concepts of both theories

Theories or bureaucratic caring and the Synergy Model for Patient care are both pivotal frameworks for patient care and the ultimate outcomes. According to Moloney-Harmon (1999), the synergy-model for patient caring bases on the needs of both the patients and their families vis-à-vis the capability of the nurse in providing the care. For instance, in a case that the patient comes from a culture other than that of the nurse, the nurse must factor in the cultural background of the patient in the care framework with a view to holistically meeting the needs of the patient. The approach also ensures that the nurse is in congruence with the families of the patient with regards to the needs and the entire process of care. However, Biel (1997) notes that this model may be difficult to implement in the face of such issues as nurse shortages or tight human resource ratios.

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GradShark (2023). Nursing Theory. GradShark.

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