This essay will employ the Carl Rogers’ Person-Centred Approach and its core conditions. Specifically, I will demonstrate an understanding of the subject through my clinical placement experience in a mental care facility, where I applied one of the conditions of the approach - empathy. I will present a real life experience of the application of this approach. The case will be presented in first person’s point of view just like the subsequent analysis. The essay will then provide and evaluation of the case vis-à-vis the application of the PCA. Finally, the discussion will analyse the implications of this approach for practice, which will entail the barriers to the effective use of empathy as a condition of the PCA.
In line with the nursing care privacy policies and the associated ethical standards, I will use pseudonyms to conceal the identities of the patients and the health care facility where necessary. This follows the specifications of the confidentiality clause contained in the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s code of conduct. In that respect, the patient will be called Jane and my mentor will be called Max.
Finally, a conclusion will be drawn from the relationship between the case study and the application of empathy as a condition of the person-centred approach.