The Group Performance
Aligning a team of diverse individuals to a common goal is often challenging (Belbin 1981). As such, it requires a gifted leader to jump the obstacles and lead the team to achieve its mission. In this case, I ensured that the selection and recruitment exercise sailed through to its successful completion despite the difficulties. Through enforcement of professionalism, the teamwork spirit and conflict resolution among other elements of group work, I oversaw the smooth running of each of the activities. On that note, the effectiveness of the group was above average. It accomplished most of its objectives and successfully achieved the aims. One justification for such an impressive performance is the teamwork spirit that every member exhibited. Precisely, the spirit champions for respect, commitment, time management and amicable conflict resolution according to Bell and Thorpe (2013). Additionally, each member of the group had their responsibilities clearly defined as stated in the Belbin Team Inventory. That enhanced the operations of the group and bolstered the goal-achievement capacity of the group.