Reflective Essay

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 Strategy implementation can be a daunting task. This is especially the case since most strategic implementation courses teach students on certain aspects of implementation mostly organizational structure. However, most courses do not prepare students to face the micro-level challenges and ambiguities of turning the strategic plan into practice i.e. the interaction and action of individuals when collaborating and coordinating with others (Lindsay et al, 2018). Luckily for me, the business strategy course  I pursued this semester has not only taught me about the conventional business strategy but has taught me about contemporary business strategy which focused on the micro-level challenges and complexities of strategy implementation. In this reflective essay, I am going to apply the knowledge I have gained on micro-level challenges and complexities of strategy implementation to reflect on what I have learned about my own decision making through the directed tasks I undertook during the course. My reflection is going to be guided mainly by the critical diversity framework which focuses on three different micro-level challenges and complexity of strategy implementation namely boundary complexity, political complexities, and emotional complexity. 

 Boundary complexity

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GradShark (2023). reflective essay. GradShark.

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