Sexualization involves treating or viewing people depending on their sexual appeal rather than on other attributes. The modern day people relates person’s value to their sexual appeal. They equate a person’s standards to their level of physical attractiveness. Instead of viewing an individual as a person with the capacity for independent action and decision making, such a person is sexually objectified. In the media, especially advertising the modern day person mainly the young have been increasingly sexualized. In advertising, the modern day firms tend to attract young people through selling them products with the sexual connection. In the contemporary society, nowadays childhood is depicted by itself as sexuality. The society has brought the children up with the notion that sexuality and having an interest in sex is completely acceptable and normal. According to the Christianity norms and believes the modern society is openly rotten. The effect of sexualization especially among the young is tremendous. The young people are not emotionally and cognitively prepared to handle sexuality and therefore imposing them to it possesses harmful impacts on them.
Sexualization has various impacts, especially to the girl child. For instance, it portrays girls as an object. By being an object, one is prone to the utility by other human beings. By the girl child being objectified, they would be used as a sexual satisfaction tool or even as a scape goat for doing wrong things. Also being socialized denies the girl child the human independence they deserve. All the time they have to dress or even act to impress the persons who have objectified them. It also denies them the ability to act as the moral agents, and always they will be forced to please the feelings of one individual. It also makes them get worried of their physical appearance. Their physical appearance is only geared in one direction which is to appear sexually alluring so as to satisfy their admirers and masters. The girl child being worried by their appearance would do anything from plastic surgery to application of makeup just to feel appealing to other people. As Christians, we were made in God’s image and likeness and therefore by interfering with a physical appearance, it means we are not satisfied by the God given appearance to us. Further, sexualization makes us forget that we were fearfully and wonderfully made and that we should not try to interfere with our physique. As the Bible reminds us in (Psalm 139:14) “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.”