Skills Assignment Lab Report

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Bacteria identification is a careful and systemic process that utilizes many different techniques to narrow down the types of bacteria that are present in an unknown bacterial culture. The reasons for this range from knowing the causative agent of a disease in a patient -for effective antibiotic therapy, to knowing the correct microorganism to be used for making certain foods or antibiotics.  It produces benefits for many aspects of research of microorganisms and helps physicians correctly treat patients. Multiple tests were performed to provide the fermentation abilities of unknown bacteria, presence of certain enzymes like catalase and certain biochemical reactions. Qualitative observations were made on the tests which were then compared to the unknown bacteria key to aid in the process of identification.

Materials and methods

An unknown sample labeled as “Unknown Sample Number 475” was given by the lab technician to carry out the tests. The methods learnt so far that were applied on the unknown sample were as follows:

1.      Gram staining was carried out following the procedure in the lab manual.

2.      Motility was observed using the Tube Motility medium. The bacteria, being motile, made a hazy zone around the stab line.

3.      The citrate utilization test was carried out on Simmons citrate agar. Observations for the development of a blue color change denoting alkalization were made.

4.      The Indole Tube test was carried out to test for the production of Indole gas. Kovac’s reagent was added to examine the production of Indole gas.

5.      Triple sugar iron agar (TSI) test was carried out also. Observations of both the butt and the slant were made.

6.      Catalase test was done. Observations on the production of bubbles were made immediately.

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GradShark (2023). SKILLS ASSIGNMENT LAB REPORT. GradShark.

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