The Attitude Of The Employees Towards Breastfeeding In Public Places

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Nature provides literally everything that is vital and important for the wellbeing of an infant. When we diligently follow the rules of nature, we are therefore guaranteed to reap attainable benefits in all aspects of life.  Breastfeeding is one of the rules of nature that needs to be adhered to in order to achieve survival and development of children. Though the act of breastfeeding is generally accepted among the public, the attitudes toward breastfeeding in public is another thing.  Different people have different feelings towards breastfeeding. These reactions and feelings have a direct repercussion towards best practice of breastfeeding (Marsden & Abayomi, 2012).

The study hypothesis was to find out the attitude of the employees toward breastfeeding in public or workplaces. In workplaces, which are considered as public places, there are instances and cases involving women breastfeeding. Different people see the act of breastfeeding differently. Also, the act raises different perceptions in different occasions. These perceptions and social opinions affect optimum breastfeeding where women find it awkward to do it in public.

In this research, dependent variables are the people of the general public who could possibly be affected by breastfeeding. Independent variables are breastfeeding mothers who are deemed to cause different reactions and perception to the members of the public. The action of independent variable has a direct relationship to dependent variables. As women breastfeed, the rest general public holds different opinions and reactions.

The experimental group comprises of young people and women who have had breastfeeding experience. This group is used to find answers to the research hypothesis. Independent (breastfeeding mothers) variables are introduced to the group where the reactions are studied and analyzed.

The interview was one of the main methods for data collection in the research under question.  The experimental group was interviewed using structured and unstructured questions regarding their own opinions and perceptions towards breastfeeding in public.

The sample size composition included youthful people who fall under the age of 36 and above 20 years. In comprised both men and women who practically encounter breastfeeding women in workplaces or who have had experience in breastfeeding as well. Nine people out of the eleven who had initially agreed to participate give their views in regard to the research topic.

Other extraneous variables of the study involve include sound breastfeeding education to create awareness and appreciation among all people in the society. Also, facilities that enable breastfeeding or make it more enjoyable are also featured in the research. Many mothers feel so uncomfortable to breastfeed in public although the act is generally accepted in the society. Sound breastfeeding policies also encourage breastfeeding in women.

The research method, despite having many pros also has some flaws. One of the biggest flaws relating to the research is the fact that different researchers have differing interpretations in regard to different opinions. Their minds could be judgmental and fail to draw the correct inference or decision. Different people transcribe information with different perceptions.

The results of the finding showed that all of the participants have encountered breastfeeding women at least once in their life. Most of the participants were positive about the breastfeeding. The management of many institutions acknowledges the natural act of nursing and has put up facilities and policies to encourage breastfeeding. The main aim of the research was to find out the general attitude of public towards breastfeeding in public places. The results gave prove that people have a positive attitude towards nursing women. Although the mothers have contrary opinions and perceptions and feel uncomfortable, the public generally accept breastfeeding.

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GradShark (2023). The Attitude of the Employees towards Breastfeeding in Public Places . GradShark.

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