The History And Making Of The German Doner

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Nothing is more definitive and influential of Germany’s food culture than the German doner. The fast food cum late-night snack is a darling of both the original Germans and the large Turkish population in Germany. Cichanowicz projects that the sales of the doner attract up to 3.5 billion euros annually with a consumption of up to 600 tons of doner meat on a daily basis. The massive consumption exemplifies the popularity of the doner which makes it a famous product in the country. While it is clear that Germans cherish the doner, the history of the food item is marred with contentions in the sense that both the Turkish and the Germans lay claim to the origin of the German doner. Even so, one agreeably narration of the history of the snack begins with Kadir Nurman- a Turkish. At the age of 26, Kadir moved to Stuttgart in Germany as a guest worker as part of an initiative aimed at increasing the country’s labour force. Six years after his settlement in Stuttgart, Kadir Nurman moved to Berlin to find employment in the printing industry. While there, he could not help but notice the struggle that the busy German’s had to go through to find quick lunch. It was at this point that he invented the German doner. His first serving of the doner happened from the Bahnhof Zoo in the year 1972, in the West of Berlin. The doner idea was born out of the typical Turkish meal which primarily comprised of meat skewers served alongside vegetables and rice. Owing to his creativity, Nurman served the doner in bread rather than a plate making it a perfect food on the go for the busy Germans. At first, Nurman kept the recipe simple and straightforward. The doner comprised of sliced beef or lamb from a big spinning stick packed into the original Turkish flatbread alongside onions (Grieshaber). Later, tomato and salad among other sauces were added to improve the taste.

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GradShark (2023). The History and Making of the German Doner. GradShark.

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