The Mona Lisa

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Art is a collective representation of objects or images with the sole purpose of expressing specific ideas or a set of emotions. The objects or images are the characters created by a painter to represent the intended meaning of the work. On this note, art is a deliberate organization of ideas and emotions to stimulate a person’s thinking, emotional sequence, belief or ideological stances. Using simple expressions, art can represent its idea in many different forms and serve unique purposes.

 In this essay, I will discuss how Leonardo uses the Portrait of Lisa Gherardini done in a half-length to create an impression of a mystery of the women during the Italian Renaissance period and the changes that characterized the position of a woman during the time. Lovely women of antiquity, yet very mysterious to the point of being unreal like a fantasy using an enigmatic smile. She looks directly at the audience, a fact very unconventional during the time for a woman. Leonardo uses a different background that at a closer look indicate the broad road that leads to the unknown. Leonardo’s iconic creation has created a great impression of pop culture in the contemporary society of the century. She is composed and relaxed her almost blank gaze in her eyes that contrast the faint smile she wears on her face.

The painting's focal point is the portrait, and the painter has created an outstanding balance that allows us to see all her face in equal amount from both sides of her nose. It is like even if the face is put at an angle, we would still have more view of one part than the other. However, a symmetrical subdivision of the painting and you will realize that Leonardo Da Vinci did not place her portrait in the middle, but slightly on the left side to create a space for the view of the landscape. The symmetrical division brings out a looming effect of the portrait to a viewer. The creative angle brings the painting closer and makes it look more real. The dominant band colors in the background create several horizontal bands increase impact.

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GradShark (2023). The Mona Lisa. GradShark.

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