The Power Elite

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In “The Power Elite”, Mill describes how society was led by elites from the economic, political and military bases. The elites manipulated churches and schools to meet their own ends. The book was written in the year 1956 during the World War two and it depicted on the issues that America was facing at that time. The notion of an existence of an elite population in the communities we live in is an undeniable fact. The elite individuals make major decisions in the world and whose authority is unquestionable.

In the “The Power Elite” Mills claimed that in the world there exists some elite population that constantly makes make major decisions in the society. According to him, the three sources of power are concentrated on the economic, political and military arenas. Additionally, he asserted that economic power was the most powerful of the three. Consequently, in the book Mills insists that the elite population attends some popular schools such as Harvard and these people are related by the fact that they often intermarry (Mill, 289). The book also indicates that there exists the masses far below the elites and that the masses are often lacking information therefore leaving them confused. In the middle, Mill identified a force that was neither inclined towards the elites nor to the masses (Mill, 285). The middle force did not also challenge the decisions of the elites who controlled everything.

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GradShark (2023). The Power Elite. GradShark.

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