The Prince By Niccolo Machiavelli

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Title: The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli

Slide 2: Summary

In this lecture, we will go through The Prince by Machiavelli while deeply delving into:

      Philosophical theories of Human Nature; concepts of History, Fortune, Free Will

      Comparison with previous generation of Italian Renaissance philosophers on similar notions

      Whether it is relatable today to our political philosophies or leaders.

Slide 3: Who was Machiavelli, and who would you consider and Machiavellian?

      Niccolo Machiavelli was “an immoral cynic who supposedly considered the end to justify the means” (Jared Diamond in O’Rourke, 2013).

v  Consider: At the end of this discussion, you will be required to agree or disagree with the statement above. Was Machiavelli evil?

      Niccolo di Bernardo dei Machiavelli was an Italian diplomat, writer, historian and politician during the renaissance period.

      Among his numerous literary works, The Prince put him at the center of political science and earned him the prominence and legacy that remains centuries after his death in 1527.

      A Machiavellian is commonly considered a scheming and unscrupulous person who is only interested in the end results rather than the means of obtaining the results.

Slide 4: Division of State Powers

·         All powers since antiquity have been principalities or republics

·         Principalities are either new or inherited

Slide 5: On Princedoms and how to acquire them…

·         New principalities are acquired through strength or sheer luck

·         Inheriting or conquering

Slide 6: The Prince

      The Prince comes barely after Machiavelli’s torture by the Medici who saw him as a rebel against their government. Machiavelli boasts of having said nothing despite the atrocious nature of his persecution.

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