Understanding The Role Of User Generated Content On Hotel Booking

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1.0  Introduction

 In the current world, Consumers  around the world are  using the internet either to look for  information  related to product or services  they want to purchase or give   information about the experience they had  by using a certain service  or product.    This kind of information has been given the term User generated content (UGS) (Dellarocas 2003)

 User generated content   constituted all the data and information generated and shared by the general public rather that professional on the internet (Arriga & Levina 2008).  One characteristic of User generated content is that it is created and shared by consumers and it also used by the consumers.  Therefore, consumers are the focal point in user generated content.    UGC has therefore become important in sharing information.  For example, in the tourism industry, UGC is changing the dynamic of the industry.  Most of the travel information, including prices, customer experiences, security of a destination and other travel-related information are now mostly being shared in form of user generated contents.   Basically, user generated content   is rivalling the marketer generated contents.    The rise of user generated content can be attributed to their un-biasness unlike marketers’ generated contents whose motive is clear to the consumers.

In the Hospitality sector, Users generated content is having significant influences.  Travellers are very diligent shopper and as such they take their time to seek information about accommodation services before they make the booking.  According to Tuominen (2008) most travellers rely on information from peer, family and friend when making the travel plan. Traditionally, these advices were given through face-to-face word of mouth.  However, with the spread of  internet,  words of mouth has  now be digitalized  in that  most of peer, friends and family gives advices  and information related to  a destination or restaurant through websites, blog and  wikis.   As mentioned by Filho (2013) electronic word-of –mouth is far more effective that traditional   word-word of mouth and moreover it is in abundances   and readily available. This sentiment is supported by a numbers of empirical evidences which has shown than   electronic word of mouth which comes in form of reviews   is highly influential to traveller when making travel plan. For instance, according to one empirical study conducted by Sidali et al (2009), to measure the impacts of user generated content on traveller choice of accommodation, 80 percent of the participants   chose their accommodation based on the information they gathered through user generated content.  It is therefore obvious that the internet has become an important source of information during travel planning.

  Although there are quite a numbers of researches conducted to investigate the impacts of user-generated content on   consumer purchase decision, Most of them focused on low-involvement products such as place to shop, books, groceries, restaurant services etc (Wang et al 2013, Grahl et al 2013, McLachlan & Hagger 2011). There lack adequate research that pay attention to high-involvement products and services such as accommodation services or travel planning. The few studies that focus on high-involvement products and services are limited by their scope as most of them are done in certain region and as such they cannot be generalized in UK (Goh 2015). Therefore, a study to investigate the effects of User Generated Content on intention to use hotel services   in UK context is required. This study aims to fill this knowledge gap.

Aims of the study

 Based on the above context, this research aims to apply the theory of planned behaviour to   understand the role played by user generated content influencing consumer behaviours as far as hotel booking is concerned.

 According to theory of planned behaviours, an individual’s behaviours is determined by their attitude, subjective norm and perceived control over the behaviour. In simple words, the theory of planned behaviour belief that attitude toward behaviour, subjective norm and the perceived behaviours control affects the behaviour intention of an individual and hence determine their actual behaviours.  This research will therefore be looking at how the attitude, subjective norms and perceived control over the user of user generated contents affect traveller intention and actual consumption behaviour in regard to hotel accommodation booking.

 Research specific objectives

  To achieve the above aims, this research will be guided by the following specific objectives

·       To determine whether User Generated Content (UGC)  affect individual attitudes

·       To determine whether individual attitudes  affect their intention to book hotel accommodation

·       To determine Whether User generated Content  (UGC) affects individuals subjective norm

·        To determine whether  Subjective Norm affect  individuals intention to  book hotel accommodation

·        To determine whether User Generated Content (UGC) affects individual Perceived  behaviour Control

·       To determine  whether perceived behaviour control affects   individuals’ intention to book hotel accommodation  

Research questions

Q1: Does perceived behaviour control mediates the relationship between user Generated Content (UGC) and intention to book hotel intention?

Q2: Does subjective norm mediate the relationship between user Generated Content (UGC) and intention to book hotel intention?

Q3: Does attitude mediate the relationship between user Generated Content (UGC) and intention to book hotel accommodation?

Hypothesis to be tested

H1: User Generated Content (UGC) affects individuals’ attitudes which then affect their intention to book hotel accommodation

H2; User Generated Content (UGC) affect individuals attitudes which then affect their intention to book hotel accommodation

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GradShark (2023). Understanding the Role of User Generated Content on Hotel Booking. GradShark. https://gradshark.com/example/understanding-the-role-of-user-generated-content-on-hotel-booking

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