Volkswagen Vs. The United Auto Workers

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Part 1

In the following year, another election was organized where the United Auto Workers (UAW) union emerged victorious. Unlike in the previous elections where every hourly employee was allowed to vote, the second one only saw votes from the skilled hourly employees. The Union enjoyed a land slide victory with 71% of the votes going their way. However, the giant car manufacturer, Volkswagen was faced with some controversial issues at about this time forcing them to change their previously welcoming attitude towards the UAW to a hostile. Specifically, Volkswagen was dealing with accusations alleging that it had doctored the software on the approximately 600,000 diesel using cars that it sold across the country, to enable them to cheat the emission tests for their tail pipes. The controversy led to the subsequent change in the management of the company, and ultimately the company's stance on its employees joining the union.

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GradShark (2023). Volkswagen vs. the United Auto Workers . GradShark.

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