Evolution Of Art

Art And Design
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A lot of the current artists make use of the hi-tech equipment in accomplishing their artistic work. Contrary, the traditional artists, especially those in the 20th century used to make use of the paints, as well a pencil sand brushes to bring out their best in artwork.  The 21st century is witnessing the use of sounds, video, as well as the computer-generated images to come up with various forms of art. The digital forms of art are the development of simple patterns, as well as shapes that get compiled through the use of different computer programs to the extent of making them into beautiful works of art that look just realistic, like the watercolor, or oil painting could appear. The modern forms of arts tend to major into the use of recent videos and installations, as compared to the early forms of drawings, as well as paintings.  In my work, I will discuss some of the impacts that have been brought in the art industry as a result of technology. The paper will be offering a form of arguments that hold that the computer, as well as video, is just but another kind of brush and painting that the modern artists make great use of to bring out the best in their artistic works.

I am of the opinion that the latest technology is displaying a tremendous impact on the art industry. The modern type of artists is employing the use of new materials in the production of their work. The prior 20th-century art was used to seeing the art make use of paintings, swell s drawings the primary forms of their work. However, the 21st century saw a series of installations, videos, as well as sounds all computer-generated being popularly getting used in the artistic world. The technology has enabled the modern artist to explore, as well as venture into new forms of art from day to day (Sofroniou, 2013).

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