Gender And The Media

Social Issues
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Masculinity and Femininity are represented differently throughout the various media platforms. Both genders are associated with their own unique stereotypes that in a way define how the public view gender. For men, masculinity if portrayed as pertaining to strength or power (well-built bodies), independence of both thought and action and sexual attractiveness. Women on the other hand are represented by assumptions such as beauty, emotional, relationships, sexuality and size or physique. When compared to men, who are considered independent, the media ties the character of women to relationships, be it romantic, friend or family relations suggesting dependency on their part. Physique too continue to shape the character of both genders in the way the media is representing them (Gauntlett). For men, the expectance is that they should have strong and masculine bodies, while women are represented as lean and curvy. In general, the representation of femininity overly focusses on the physical appearance of women at the expense of every other positive female values that the media could highlight.

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GradShark (2023). Gender and the Media. GradShark.

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